Page name: WoW - Mudgate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-11-09 01:15:00
Last author: Ms. Steel
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The Lower City Slums

The Mudgate

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The Mudgate is the entrance to the slums that comprise the lower city, it is the first thing one sees when walking into Majai 'sovereign' territory within the Royal City. Though the lower city is now a domed area (albeit with a much lower ceiling), like the upper city, this was not originally so. The first Majai that came to the royal city as refugees, before Pranay Malak, were pushed into the network of tunnels that served as sewers for the Daguerrian city above. The winding roads that make up the four 'haths' or districts of the Royal city were carved out of those tunnels, and the Mudgate was once the main sewer for the Royal Avenue. In the early days, Majai made their humble abodes in the river of slurry and waste coming from the Daguerrian part, which they called 'Mud' as a euphemism. The Mudgate is now a wide dirt road flanked by the common three or four storied adobe houses of the Majai, children play in the streets, street vendors of all races create a thick buffer between the road and the houses themselves, the air is filled with the smell of spice and all manner of exotic cookery. It is said that 1000 peoples made up the Majai Empire at its peak and they are all represented in the Mudgate. The few Daguerrian grenadiers or police to be found in the lower city protect only the elevator, it is customary for the rest of the lower city to police itself. The wide Mudgate then leads to Stonebend, one of the few cobblestone roads in the Majai slums, which serves as the main road in the lower city.

Brant stepped out of the elevator and laughed. This Majai level was far larger than the one in Ordon, and already he was being pulled every which way, wanting to see what the street vendors had to offer or to join in a game with the street children. He resisted, instead knowing that his and Paki's first port of call was the Mage Market.

Upon exiting the elevator, Paki was met with the delicious smells he always associated with this road. He inhaled deeply--savoring the taste of the air--and grinned at Brant, already feeling much better than he did in the Grand Hall and elevator. "Makes one hungry, yes?"

"Hungry, yes," Brant breathed, though of course he meant to satisfy other pangs before eating. He walked along the dirt-pack, his eyes straying from a stall on one side of the road to a Majai home on the other. The people, the scents, the possibilities! "Lead the way, friend, I am eager to meet your family."

The elevator arrived again, and this time Ferah stepped out. She kept her hands tucked inside her sleeves to hide her tesla gauntlet - that kind of weaponry would have the whole undercity talking. She looked about, seeing what might have changed in the years since her last time there (Memory).

Rill stepped out after Ferah and looked around curiously. He had visited the place a few times out of curiosity or other not too important reasons, but he didn't truly know where anything was.

"My family?" Paki's nostalgic expression dissolved into one of grief. "I'm afraid I must disappoint you on that subject, friend..." After a few moments of silent prayer to Tara for strength, he managed to give Brant a bright--albeit slightly strained--smile. "But now is not the time to dwell on unpleasantness."

A question was begging to be answered. Brant turned to Paki slightly as they walked. "What do you mean? I thought you said your father was a merchant? Are we not going to see him?"

Ferah was astounded at how much had changed in her years away - evidently the Royal City was the place to be in these times, no matter whether it was the upper or lower levels. "Let us be on our way," she said quietly to Rill before marching on ahead. She spotted Paki walking with an odd Daguerrian but did not feel the necessity to greet him as she strode past and away to WoW - Stonebend.

Rill took in the sights and tried to imprint the routes he took to his mind so as to not get lost. Funny looking roof there, odd-coloured door there and so on. He followed Ferah to WoW - Stonebend.

"He was a merchant. A very good one! But...he has passed on." Paki admitted reluctantly. After spending his entire life so proud of his family and their accomplishments, it felt as unnatural as it did melancholy to say--or even remember!--that they were no longer of this world.

Brant bowed his head in respect and patted Paki on the back. "My apologies and condolences." He gave the giant kkala a smile. "I am sure he would not want you dwelling on his death. Lead on to the mage market!"

Swallowing thickly, Paki nodded at Brant's conclusion. "He most certainly would not." Of course, the man was probably rolling in his grave ever since Paki took over his shop, anyways...but this is not the time to mull over that! With fresh determination, he headed for the WoW - Stonebend.

Brant followed on, his staff making dull thuds against the packed dirt road that led to WoW - Stonebend.

Daiyu stepped out of the elevator, her leg was throbbing but she refused to show it. Her brown eyes were cold as she looked around and then shifted her weight on the crutch before walking towards WoW - Stonebend

With a sigh at the condition of it all, and the reminder of how much he had fallen from his previous life into the slums Dakai stepped from the elevator. He looked down at tetra expecting her to withdraw her hand now in disgust. He looked forward with at least some remaning pride as he trudged off toward WoW - Stonebend.

Probably much to Dakai's surprise, and to her own chagrin, Tetra actually did not let go of the young man's hand, and continued to hold on as the walked from the elevator and through the mudgate. She was lucky enough to have gotten through the station and back into the city, and she did not feel like risking all that by dropping the act now. She also held a strong vendetta towards Daiyu, who she was hoping might be driven away quickly by Tetra's strong, though false, attachment to Dakai. With her seething gaze boring holes into the back of Daiyu's head, the urchin walked alongside the amateur engineer to WoW - Stonebend.

Only a short time after she had finally managed to get out of the slum entrance to the city, Tetra returned, moving casually and, hopefully, nonchalantly through the area. She didn't intend to look suspicious, though a street urchin probably did, as she climbed to elevator and took it up to WoW - Royal Avenue.

Some time after Tetra has ascended in the elevator, Nadira did just the opposite, coming down from the WoW - Royal Avenue. As she stepped out into the Mudgate, the stern-faced woman finally smiled, albeit just slightly, like she was getting away with something naughty. Even if she wished to deny it, at the age of twenty-five, she still lived under the thumb of her father, and while she wasn't unattractive and would eventually inherit the family manor, the half-breed wasn't exactly rolling in prospective suitors or other such opportunities. Thus, she had little choice at the moment but to make due with what she had, and that included getting away with these periodic transgressions. Craving home-cooking from a home she never knew, Nadira considered where it was she might procure some Amiri food and perhaps something to drink (Memory).

Though Nadira had never been allowed to travel to the lower city unaccompanied before, she knew enough from her chats with Kiraz and other conversations to have. If she wanted somewhere nice and sanitary, she had gone with her father to a place called Al'rai in the 'Singer's Street', the Galire Rahal, before. It was what one could consider a tourist restaurant, expensive and sanitized for Daguerrians conducting business in the lower city. She had heard of a place just off Stonebend too, they called it the Dead End Street and there was an infamous bar there called Mirzh’ar. There was also the Khurzai house in the Red Ribbon road, her father had fobidden her from even looking at the place. Finally, in the Aranire Rahal, inthe Majai Hath, she had heard of a place called the White Sands, a sprawling set of galleries which served as a market, caravansary, baths and restaurant.

Accalia stepped out of the elevator with one thing in mind; find a cheap companion with as little hassle and as quickly as possible. She wasn't picky, anyone would do so long as they could carry a sword and do what they're told. It just so happened, as she scanned the crowded streets, that one individual stuck out to her more than the rest in thanks to her unconventional manner of dress and that person also happened to be carrying a sword at their stride. That was enough for Cali, who was eager to get a start on the task that would hopefully lead to her fathers recovery, to decide to approach. "Hey!" She barked, coming up to Nadira, "Are you looking for work?" As she drew closer she realized that said person was female, not her preferred gender for companions out on the road, but it was too late to draw back now. Folding her arms over her chest, she cocked a hip and took stock of the woman in front of her.

With myriad possibilities at her fingertips, Nadira didn't know where to start. She smiled to herself, a secret, sly smile, but she was yanked from her reverie when she heard someone... address her? No, that wasn't precisely the word for it; it was more like she was being audibly accosted. When Cali entered the young heiress's periphery, she turned in what might be considered something of a haughty manner and practically looked down her nose at the leather-clad female. 'What, exactly, would ever give you that impression?' she inquired in a cool, practiced manner before pursing her plump limps in an expectant expression. Truthfully, Nadira was looking to make a quick Guerrmark, but she knew better than to show her hand too early. This woman could be any only old grifter, after all.

The ranger stared at Nadira with a narrowed gaze, her response Accalia's question and the look she was given promoting an instant, intense dislike for the woman. "You're standing around looking lost and there's a sword on your hip." The young woman quickly snapped in reply, only to pause and with a tilt of her head and a raise of her brows, add more softly: "It's either that, or you're just another wealthy tourist that thought they'd be brave enough to explore the slums." She said the words wealthy and tourist like they were dirt words, making it clear what she thought of those types of folks. "So, are you looking for work or not?" It wasn't as if she actually wanted the woman to say yes, if anything she hoped she'd insulted her into huffing off so she could go find someone who actually knew how to handle themselves in a fight, yet backing out now felt like a defeat somehow so she steadfastly ploughed ahead.

Nadira sniffed and regarded Accalia first with slight surprise and then with thinly-veiled contempt. 'I am not a tourist,' she stated succinctly. 'And, as it just so happens, I am in the market for employment, however, I am, first and foremost, in the market for a meal,' she continued in a low, precise manner, apparently just as bull-headed as the Ranger, whom she stepped toward, her grey eyes staring unblinkingly into Cali's. 'We could, perhaps, discuss if your undertaking is worth my while over a bit of sup, unless your Ladyship of the Lower Berth has more ideal opportunities elsewhere.'

The brief look on the woman's face, the one that told Accalia that she caught her off guard, was deeply satisfying to the young ranger, even if it was followed by a look of disdain. At Nadira's firm insistence that she was not just a visitor Cali cocked her eyebrows in what was almost condescending disbelief and stood her ground when the bigger woman stepped closer, her pale eyes flashing as she stared hard back. She didn't like the way this woman talked, as if she had a chip on her shoulder, thought she was better than everyone else. "Fair enough." She replied crisply, then paused, a slow smile forming on her face and she attempted to recall which tavern was the most rowdy and dangerous in the area with the idea that she would do her best to back Nadira uncomfortable or nervous. "I think I might know of just the place."

'Then, please,' Nadira said with a small, tight smile, refusing to kowtow to this stranger, '...Kindly do lead the way, Miss... ah...' Pausing, the heiress's lips parted and a vague smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. 'You know, I am afraid I did not catch your name.' Arching an expertly-shaped eyebrow, Nadira cocked her head and awaited the Ranger's reply.

“Accalia Roth.” The young ranger gave in response, but didn’t ask for one in return. Though she didn’t frequent Mirzh’ar herself, the crowd there a bit rough even for Cali, she’d brave just about anything now to see that condescending smirk wiped off of this woman’s face. If she were lucky, she might even find someone not as soft as this not-tourist with the snide attitude, though odds were high said person was also the type to take her out after it was over and take the rewards for themselves. “I hope those swords aren’t just for decoration.” She commented as she stepped past Nadira and headed in the direction of WoW - Stonebend.

Unsure if biding her time with this seemingly insufferable woman was any better than spending another dull evening with Frederic back at the manor, Nadira inhaled a deep breath but withheld the exasperated sigh she wanted to heave. With her veiled head held high, the woman followed alongside Accalia to WoW - Stonebend.

Post here

Accessible areas:
Take the Great Elevator up to the WoW - Lonetrain Guard Post
Take the Great Elevator up to the WoW - Royal Avenue
Continue on to WoW - Stonebend
Back to:
WoW - Lower City Slums

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2014-06-03 [CuteCommander]: Please remind me to post here!

2014-06-03 [ancienteye]: ...Dure? Is Paki's mother alive?

2014-06-05 [Duredhel]: I think it's best if it's just Paki and his sister, and his sister is in Ordon. :3

2014-06-05 [ancienteye]: Ok. :P

2014-06-08 [Duredhel]: Paki?

2014-06-10 [Duredhel]: CC?

2014-06-10 [Duredhel]: Ancient 8> you guys ARE in the lower city slums.

2014-06-10 [ancienteye]: Yes, but that's the page link that goes towards the Mage Market. :o

2014-06-10 [Duredhel]: 8> look at the map in he slums. You go Mudgate -> Stonebend -> RR Road -> Mage Market.

Sort of like moving through the mansion, you know?

2014-06-24 [Ms. Steel]: Man, the Lower City is apparently the place to be.

2014-06-24 [Figgy]: Apparently all our characters are shit poor or something, iunno.

2014-06-24 [Figgy]: Which is funny cause I think Tetra has more money than anyone rn. And she's homeless.

2014-06-24 [Ms. Steel]: Hehe, true.

2014-06-25 [Figgy]: Guys, post in Stonebend, please.

2014-06-25 [twitchboy]: just waitin on tetra?

2014-06-25 [Figgy]: I'm not posting Tetra until you guys post your characters moving on to the next area. Not getting stuck in limbo.

2014-06-25 [Duredhel]: Yah :O, guys, just post Daiyu and Dakai arriving on Stonebend, since they're in limbo right now.

2014-10-03 [Ms. Steel]: Noxxxxxxxxxx, where should they meeeeeeeeeet?!?!?

2014-10-05 [The Black Goat]: sorry wasn't watching this spot XD

I'd say a bar where Cali is likely to go looking for hired swords so to speak

2014-10-05 [Ms. Steel]: Okie dokie.

2014-10-05 [The Black Goat]: Any advice on that front oh magnificent GM?

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